40 days....your Golden Halo and Wings

So today marks joshy's 40 days since leaving this earth onto the hands of god. In Catholicism 40days marks the day of accession when the spirt finally leaves earth and enters heaven or so i learned while i was in school (i went to catholic school my whole life) with that bieng said joshy was already in heaven because he was a baby and therefor had no sins to get rid of, and he got baptized a day before passing, (for those of you wondering what the pictures towards the end of the video of everyone surrounding joshy are, it's the night he got baptized. So today my little drama king received his "official" wings and halo. I can only imagine him and his little wings, heaven just got allot brighter! I have been going through my ups and downs this week but today was special for me, knowing my chunky monkey will be forever watching over me, although i miss him more then i will ever be able to explain, i know joshua's life had a purpose he reached so many people and through him and writing about my experience with him, i was able to meet many people although through the computer i feel privlaged to share my experiance with you ! if joshy taught me one thing, well he taught me ALOT but if i were to pick one is to stick to your instincts no matter what doctors tell you, the doctors told me joshua would not make it to 24 weeks guess what he made it to 29! the dr's told me he had glaucoma and would not be able to see guess what HE DIDNT HAVE GLAUCOMA and was able to see the silly faces mommy and daddy did to him. Yes he only spend six month in this earth but if my experience is able to reach one person then my experience was not in vain and neither was joshua's time on this earth. I may sound as though im okay with Joshua's death far from it, but knowing how much support i have received and how many people have written to me saying "joshua inspired me" it let's me keep going thank you to all you who have followed my story and followed joshua's life. I hope to keep sharing myself and my thoughts and ups and downs. joshua my little monkey you had a planned you never shared with mommy but little by little im starting to see. I LOVE YOU MY DRAMA KING. i cant wait to share the picture of his tombstone,they said it should be finished by the end of the month but for now, me and jonathan and everyone else have been decorating his site with different things, for example a brazil flag and argentina for the world cup! mommy and daddy's team. and one flag for Nicaragua and one for El salvador representing mommy and daddy's roots. Oh one more thing me and jonathan have asked our friends and family in the bay area to contribute to the cause of helping childrens hospital in oakland and everywhere in honer of joshua. thanks.


  1. your story and his has touched my heart and it was NOT in vain..he is a part of me too...he is adorable....just adorable God bless him and God bless you for sharing him with us xoxo

  2. Yesenia,
    I first read about your journey on the preemie board as I too am a mom to a precious preemie. (33 weeks) I have to tell you that You and Josh have touched my heart so deeply. Every time I see your blog I get teary eyed and emotional. I have read your journey with your sweet baby and have seen his BEAUTIFUL pictures. I will never, ever take one day for granted with my daughter. Joshy's life may have been short, but he will continue to teach others through your blog and continuing journey. He is beautiful, just like his mom. May God bless you, and I truly believe preemies are God's smallest angels. Love from Texas <3


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