Happy Father's Day J

Dear Jonathan, 

Besides the many qualities about you that I love, there's one that stands out. The awesome father that you are to both our kids.

 I know with Joshua you got way more than you bargained for. Although I was the one pregnant & having to go to countless appointments you never missed one. When josh was born and we saw the long road that laid ahead of us, you stepped up to the plate and didnt run away or get overwhelmed.I remember you wanting to do anything you could to help out & although there wasn't muchyou could do at that point since you couldn't lactate lol the best thing the dr's & nurses said you could do was just support us and talk to Joshua to let him know you were there and thats what you did.  For the months josh was in the hospital everyday before work you were there and right after work even though it was midnight & you had a long drive back home you would go and spend your one on one time with him. 

There's isnt a day that goes by that you don't talk about him. I feel bad about the fact that I have a group of friends (my preemie moms ) that hear me out on the days that I need to vent about how I much I miss him,while you, you don't have that group or support. I think people forget about you. They forget you're still hurting. 

What can I say about the awesome dad you are to natty. 
I would go on my mommy boards and read about how the dads weren't getting up to calm the crying baby in the middle of the night or helping change diapers while you were doing every single one of those things and then some. I swear for the 14 months I nursed natty if there would of been a way for you to nurse her I think you would of done it lol. You would come home from work at 1am and see me trying to rock her to sleep, you wouldn't go to bed even though I knew you were exhausted, you would grab her and rock her to sleep so I could go and get some rest. You're always there for her wether its reading her a book,dancing for her to make her laugh, or getting up in the middle of the night because she just had a nightmare. 

Seriously I could go on & on about all the reasons you rock as a dad but I won't. I'll just say that our kids are lucky they have one smart mom that choose the perfect dad for them lol I'm j/p ! 

Happy father day J, I love you for many reasons but most importantly because of the awesome, devoted, loving, dedicated dad that you are. 


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